Ach, ich war am Samstag mit Sandra gucken. und noch die beste Sache ist:
Bei Viktor & Rolf online
kann man sich alle Kollektionen angucken. Auf Video und als Einzelpräsentation. Großartig!
You can see the Exhibition "The House of Viktor & Rolf" until the 8th of february in the Centraal Museum Utrecht. It's a great presentation of all collections of the past 15 years made by the dutch design duo. One to three designs where selected and put into context with a lot of interesting background information. Additionally to the normal pieces, there was a doll's house with scaled designs. Híghest quality and so cute!
i saw the show last saturday with Sandra.
and one last thing: At Viktor & Rolf online, you can watch and see all collections, as videos and still shots. amazing!

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