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Urban OutfittersComplete Playlist:
1. Glasser - Apply
2. Peter, Björn & John - Inland Empire
3. of Montreal - An Eluardian Instance
4. Department of Eagles - No One Does It Like You
5. Takka Takka - Silence
6. Human Highway - The Sound
7. Fujiga & Miyagi - Dishwasher
8. Free Blood - Quick And Painful
9. The Tough Alliance - Neo Violence
10. Passion Pit - Sleepyhead
11. School of Seven Bells - Half Asleep
12. The Splinto Band - Summer Grof
13. Japanes Motors - Single Fins & Safety Pins
14. Women - Black Rice
15. Sebastien Grainger - American Names
16. Sky Larkin - Molten
17. The Moon Doggies - Changin
18. Girls - Hellhole Ratrace
19. Chair Lift - Evident Utensil
20. Koushik - Lying In The Sun
21. Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez - Mostly A Friend